All privacy articles

  • daimler.automotiveIT

    Daimler board member: "A central issue is how to deal with big data”


    As board member at Daimler for integrity and legal, Renata Jungo-Bruengger is looking carefully at the implicatons of big data across the enterprise and for customers, and of artificial intelligence.

  • microsoft.automotiveIT

    Poll: Bosses at mid-size companies most often flaunt security rules


    Poll shows, many executives lose documents and use non-secure e-mail servers (Photo: Microsoft)Top executives at medium-size companies often sidestep corporate data security rules, according to a new study.CEOs and other senior executives could well be the weakest link in corporate efforts to protect highly sensitive and confidential company information, ...

  • EMC.automotiveIT

    EMC study: Companies struggle to adapt to digital future


    The EMC survey shows how companies are adapting their businesses to changing customer demands (Photo:EMC)MUNICH - Companies are introducing new digital technologies, mining more data and getting a better handle on changing customer demands, but their executives feel  progress is slower than required to meet changing market demands.That's ...

  • markey.automotiveIT

    Report shows connected car data, privacy vulnerabilities


    US Senator Markey is critical of connected-car data security and privacy (Picture: Continental)A US report published this week shows how connected cars may be vulnerable to hackers.The paper, based on answers to questions by 16 major car manufacturers, highlights growing concerns that networking cars with the world around them ...

  • roc

    German companies unprepared for new privacy laws


    Most German companies are unprepared for new privacy legislation that is being prepared by the government.A market analysis by ROC Deutschland found that 80 pc ofthe IT systems used in German companies wouldn't be able to handle the pending new laws.The main problem is that personal information on job applicants ...

  • OnStar.automotiveIT

    OnStar won't keep data connection to former customers' cars


    OnStar recently launched an aftermarket solution in the form of a rearview mirror (Photo: GM)OnStar said Tuesday it was reversing an earlier decision to keep a data connection to customers' vehicles after the OnStar service is canceled.The GM telematics division had sent e-mails to customers telling them that from Dec. ...